Legal section

Front Desk Helpers CO is an Outsourcing, and Informational Technology company, founded in 2015 and based in the USA.

We are a remote workforce provider for any size company. Hiring full-time employees with us allows our customers to onboard the best talents for long-term employment without worrying about compliance, payroll, insurance, HR administration, or retirement. 

Please read our terms and conditions of service outlined in the following pages. Front Desk Helpers CO reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service following US and New Jersey state law requirements and the suitability of the terms of service.

Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

Cookies Policy

HIPAA Compliance

Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB)

Front Desk Helpers CO is a certified Women-Owned Small Business, demonstrating our commitment to minorities, diversity, and inclusion.

Security and Transparency

Front Desk Helpers CO takes reasonable measures to protect the Personal Data of our customers and partners submitted through contact forms and emails, to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, please note that no method of transmission over the Internet or email can guarantee complete security for the transfer of personal data. Sending information via email, particularly through third-party applications or online services, may pose security risks. Exercise caution when deciding what information to send us via email. Please keep this in mind when disclosing any personal data to Front Desk Helpers over the Internet.

Links to Other Websites

This Privacy Policy is applicable only to our services and site. Our website may contain links to other websites that are not managed or controlled by Front Desk Helpers (“Third-Party Sites”). The policies and conditions described here do not apply to third-party sites that we do not control. Links to other sites do not imply that Front Desk Helpers CO endorses, encourages, or agrees with the content of the pages and services of Third Party Sites. We recommend contacting these sites directly to learn about their respective privacy policies.